5 Monday Morning mood-boosting Ways!

There are a LOT of wonderful resources on how to make our Mondays easier and more productive. Or how to practice gratefulness and positive mindsets- all we need something quick and that required minimal effort to lift our mood before focusing on any of those. So here’s a list of 5 Monday morning mood boosters that require minimum effort. We hope they inspire your Monday.

1) Give someone a sincere thank you!

Or tell someone why you’re thankful for them! Researchers, like Brene Brown, keep pointing us towards grateful mindsets and habits. It takes time to develop and practice that, but it takes very little time to really thank someone in your life for their presence. Don’t over complicate it!

2) Pick a simple verse to meditate on.

Pick a verse, a Proverb is usually a good call! Write it in a bunch of places- on your mirror, on a sticky note, or wherever you’ll see it throughout the day!  

3) Play a song that puts you in a positive, action oriented, mind set.

Don’t underestimate the power of music on our moods! A positive song can lighten your mood instantly. Playing something nostalgic, upbeat, or inspirational can change the tone of your day.

4) Pay attention to your posture!

Square your shoulders to face the day! Our posture impacts our mood and effort. Straighten your back and do a superman pose while you’re at it, that pose positively impacts mood and productivity! (sure, it may be a placebo thing- but it’s still fun and useful!)

5) Find something to watch that you know will make you laugh.

What’s something that always makes you laugh? Punny dad jokes, funny cat videos, memes from your favorite TV show?? Whatever it is, it helps elevate our moods to laugh! Smiling and laughing are the best Monday mood boosters.